Pom Thai Massage
Call us today 0455 504 585


Pom Thai Massage in Mudgee

For us, a satisfied customer is one who leaves blissfully relaxed and reinvigorated. Established for three years, we have been celebrated as a parlour with excellent results, which our regular customers can vouch for. We will strive to use our skills to relax your body and provide you with a massage aimed to improve your wellbeing. Our vast experience will give you the confidence that you are in safe hands with us.

So, give us a call today for a consultation on the type of massage you are looking for, then let us work our magic.

Contact information

25A Perry Street
Mudgee, NSW 2850

0455 504 585


Hours of operation

Mon - Sat:
9:00 am - 6:00 pm


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